Welcome to the Realm of The New Generation of NLP - NGNLP

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What is the New Generation of NLP - NGNLP?

The New Generation of NLP (NGNLP) is a completely new and improved methodology with three groundbreaking discoveries that are revolutionizing our understanding of the brain.
The NGNLP methodology is so powerful and effective because it deals directly with the main source of resistance within the brain, which is neither the conscious mind nor the subconscious mind, as previously believed.

NGNLP reveals the main source of resistance using the innovative CFSTP method. This method has empowered psychologists, therapists, and NGNLP practitioners by enabling them to understand brain development and created over fifty-five new techniques. These techniques address the root cause of negative behaviors for the first time, without targeting the two main parts that aren’t responsible for resisting change.

The CFSTP has revealed a third party, a “community of filters,” that sits between the conscious and subconscious minds, acting as a controlling dictator.
The CFSTP offers a detailed breakdown of this community, including the number of levels within it, the different types of filters, their division between day and night activity, and how each type impacts our lives.
Through the CFSTP, we understand that creating change requires working at the level of the community of filters, rather than the subconscious mind.

This understanding led to the development of TDC (Timeline Deep Cleansing) using ATH (Advanced Time Healing).
The New Generation of NLP (NGNLP) is permanently changing people’s lives.

Join our community and learn more about the New Generation of NLP. Be prepared for the next era!
The NGNLP is certified by the International Union of Neuro-Linguistic Programming in the UK – iunlp.com

Jihad Abou Zeid

The story behind the New Generation of NLP - NGNLP

I am JAZ (Jihad Abou Zeid), the developer of the New Generation of NLP and the founder of the International Union of Neuro-Linguistic Programming in the UK.

I have always been fascinated by the brain’s power and the enormous capabilities and resources that reside within it. I always saw the brain as a vast universe where everything exists in a state of great interaction.

My journey began 28 years ago when I started reading books about psychology to fulfill the eagerness inside me to understand better what goes on inside our heads.

I spent years coaching and training thousands of people about sales, attitude, personality development, strategical thinking and behavioral transformation.

Later, I studied the classical code of NLP with the American board and found myself stuck in a dilemma that urged me to find more solutions. It was like standing at the front door of a house, yet not being inside yet, as if something missing prevented me from entering.


I embarked on my own journey of research, delving deeper especially since I was conducting, and still do, more than a thousand sessions every year.

The curiosity was intense, and I truly believed that there was something waiting for me beyond the techniques of the classical code of NLP.

Most of the sessions I run are related to PTSD. Having lived in a war zone for 20 years in my country, I witnessed it firsthand and had tens of near-death experiences. Afterward, I dealt with people from my own country and neighboring countries who were also experiencing civil war.

The intensity of the sessions I ran forced me to search for better techniques and solutions. This is where the development of The New Generation of NLP began.

I was extremely surprised when I discovered that the subconscious mind, not just the conscious mind as we’ve been taught in the classical code of NLP, is the part that begs for change. In the classical code, the concept was very clear: while people are consciously seeking change, their subconscious mind was resisting it.


This explains why, in the classical code of NLP, we need to ask the approval of the subconscious mind before we start any technique, otherwise it will resist it.

I noticed that the subconscious mind is not resistant to change at all. It actually asks for it, wants it, and begs for it.

Here, I started delving deeper into the layers of the brain to understand better what was going on. The dilemma was strong and disturbing, since what I was taught contradicted what I was experiencing in my sessions with thousands of clients.

The solution, with my clients’ permission, was to do more research and observation to uncover the hidden parts.

Through practice, I discovered that the main resistant part within the brain was neither the subconscious mind, as mentioned in classical code and psychology, nor the conscious mind, as mentioned in hypnotherapy.


It turned out that the main resistant part within the brain was a completely different part that sits between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. This part acts like a dictator and prevents any direct communication between the conscious and subconscious minds.

This opened my eyes to many things, especially about that inner voice that comes from deep inside the brain to tell us to do something different yet we don’t do it, for examples: “Please stop eating fat, chocolate,” “Please start doing sports,” or “Please get out of your comfort zone.” These “please” voices come from within the subconscious mind itself. With practice, it became clearer to me that the other part sitting in between is the COMMUNITY OF FILTERS, which has many divisions and runs the whole show like a group of dictators.

Astonished by this new reality, I started developing the new methodology and techniques to deal with the community of filters and remove the resistance.

The New Generation of NLP – NGNLP methodology offers several discoveries and more than fifty-five exclusive new NLP techniques to deal with all life challenges. The field of application is wider with NGNLP, which has undergone drastic changes based on the new understanding of the brain.


Enroll in a course or check the dates of the online live training

NGNLP Practitioner training

Learn The New Generation of NLP – NGNLP techniques to effectively deal with past events, ease the present and enhance the future.
Discover the main resistant part inside the brain that is neither the subconscious mind  nor the conscious mind.
New discoveries like CFSTP, TDC and ATH part 1.

NGNLP Master Practitioner

A step higher where you learn TDC and ATH part 2 and discover how the brain functions at all levels.
How filters and patterns are formulated in the first place.
Edit, Change and Create new ones. Get more involved in NGNLP for business.

NLP Trainer

T.O.T. Get ready to start a new career in NGNLP. This course helps NGNLP trainers transmitting their knowledge to others. It is an advanced course to help you be the best in the NLP training field.
T.O.T. trainers become immediately part of the International Union of Neuro Linguistic Programming – (iunlp.com) as accredited trainers.
Accredited trainers’ students are certified by the IUNLP as well.

NLP For executives

This NGNLP training course is dedicated to all executives who are seeking a better understanding of their businesses’ structure and personnel.
Get a better communication with people that work with you to increase motivation and productivity.

NLP for psychologists

This NGNLP training course is very important to all psychologists and therapists around the globe. The New Generation of NLP offers highly effective tools to help in the psychology field and deliver amazing results.
Psychologists are in love with The NGNLP techniques

NGNLP Live Training - The New Generation Of NLP

We designed several NGNLP courses that are unique in content to teach you NLP whether you are a total beginner, advanced or professional practitioner.

We teach the New Generation of NLP at different levels:
1- NGNLP practitioner training certification
2- NGNLP master practitioner training certification
3- NGNLP trainer T.O.T
4- NGNLP training for Psychologists
5- NGNLP training for executives
6- NGNLP training for teachers
7- NGNLP therapists
8- NGNLP for doctors
9- NGNLP for parents
and many more

Our courses are conducted in different ways

* Study NGNLP with IUNLP accredited and certified trainers and get certified by the International Union of Neuro Linguistic Programming in the UK
* Study NGNLP
 using our advanced E-Learning system. Students can enroll in a course and follow the steps to get certified
* Live training directly with Jihad Abou Zeid, founder of IUNLP and developer of the New Generation of NLP

We pride ourselves to introduce the first and only animated NLP training course ever, where, NGNLP courses are very interactive, illustrated, and easy to follow and understand. Jihad and the team spent thousands of hours illustrating the New Generation of NLP in a new interesting course, full of interaction and animation to deliver NLP lovers a unique NLP experience.

This is the right time, the right opportunity for you to become part of the amazing community of the International Union Of Neuro Linguistic Programming (IUNLP) 

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